Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I have been tagged...

I've been tagged by two people --- my cute friend Bree from Arizona and my cute friend Noriane who is also my neighbor. Bree tagged me to give 25 facts about myself that people who know me may not know, and Noriane tagged me to give 5 facts. So to fullfill my responsibility to both, I guess I better give 25 (even though I'm not sure I can think of 25 interested facts about myself --- I'm really not that interesting-- ha ha!) Ok, so here we go:

1) I was born and raised in Tempe, Arizona
2) I have 3 sisters, no brothers -I always wanted a brother, but never had one ):
3) I played the violin in elementary school for a few years (didn't say I was good, but I did play)
4) I played the piano from 1st grade through high school, and then moved out of my house where the piano was, so I'm a bit rusty now, but still like to play.
5) I was on the pom line in Jr. High (Yea Crusaders! Go!)
6) My first car was a 69 black volkswagen bug with red vinyl seats and no air (being in Arizona, in 120 degree weather, it wasn't fun in the summer, we had to sit on towels so our butts didn't burn)
7) I met Russ on New Years Eve of 1994 (and if you ask Russ the story, you'll get a completely different story about our first meeting than if you ask me, as those of you who got the story the other night found out!! haha! If you want the REAL story, just come straight to me)
8) My girlfriends and I ditched one day in high school and drove to Rocky Point, Mexico for 24 hours. One of my friends parents were out of town and I was supposed to be staying at her house. We came home with an awesome tan, but got called up to the principals office the next day at school because everyone knew we went. I'll never forget the principal handing the phone to me, after calling my dad and saying, "Mr. Beckstead, your daughter is in my office, and she'd like to tell you something" (I swear, I didn't get in that much trouble growing up, but this was one of the times!)
9) I have never been in a car accident that was my fault, and I've been in three (oh, except when I rear ended someone in the icy snow last year, I forgot --- but I swear, that's the only time it was my fault)
10) I always wanted to be a school teacher when I was a kid (doesn't every kid?) But my second choice was a private investigator.
11) Mayonaise, not miracle whip
12) All 4 of my kids have always been great sleepers - they slept through the night from 2 months on ---- I love my kids, but I also love my sleep, so I didn't get up with every whimper or cry when they were babies. (is that mean?)
13) I HATE camping! (sorry, Russ) I'm much more of a 5 star resort type of a girl. If there's not a resort, showers, shopping and fun around, I'll tolerate it, but don't love it.
14) I don't worry about alot of things each day. My attitude is -- if you can't do something about it, why worry about it. If you are going to complain or whine about it then do something to change it.
15) I cry in most movies that are sad or even remotely touching. Ask my husband, he laughs at me. Even in kid movies, my whole family usually looks over at me to see if I have tears in my eyes.
16) I have a hard time asking for help or favors from others (yea, I know I know --- except my husband or kids). I would rather do it myself, or figure it out myself, than ask for help.
17) I love roller coasters
18) I'm very scatterbrained, but very organized at the same time. I live with lists, and write everything down, or else I will forget with my crazy schedule.
19) I don't buy many things for myself. I love buying things for other people.
20) The first time I ever had to buy a airline ticket was when my sisters, Mom & I went to New York last year. Coming from a family that has worked for the airlines, I've flown for free since I was a senior in high school. I have to say, I'd rather pay now, than fly standby.
21) My paternal grandmother was from South Africa. And her great, great grandfather (I'm not sure how many greats, but a few) was the president of South Africa. So yes, I am royalty! (ha ha!)
22) I am a reality show junkie --- I love Survivor, American Idol, Amazing Race, Bigest loser, etc. It's really the only TV I watch. (sad I know, I can't tell you what's going on in the world, but I sure as heck can tell you who was voted off Amazing Race... haha!)
23) Anything boys can do girls can do better!
24) I am very loyal to my friendships... I love my friends.
25) My husband would say I'm the best wife and mother (right honey?)

There you go. That's me. If you don't like it then you don't have to read it. J/K --- I love all you guys! So I tag Holly, Angie, Keely, Wendy (which means you actually have to make a post!), and Jess..

1 comment:

Keely said...

This was so fun to read! I love it when people tell random things about themselves that you wouldn't normally know!