Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Rocky!


I CAN'T believe my firstborn child is turning 21 years old today! First of all it is hard to believe I'm old enough to have a child that is 21 years old, but mostly it's just crazy how fast time has flown by -- it seems like just yesterday I was holding him in my arms rocking him to sleep.

I want you to know Rocky, that I love you so much. You have always been the sweetest, kindest, smartest individual, and I miss you not living close to me. But I know you've grown alot the past few years, and learned alot. I am proud of the man you have grown into! WE LOVE YOU!

Birth - Jan 28, 1988

11 weeks old

2 years old

2-1/2 years old

3-1/2 years old

9 years old

Rocky with his great grandma
9 years old

13 years old

18 years old

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy Birthday to Sparkle and Brandy ...

Maddie and Taylor are so stinkin cute... I think I have two of the most creative, cute, fun girls I could ever ask for. I was upstairs on the computer tonight trying to get my I-pod loaded with songs for our trip, when Madison came in to where I was, and handed me an envelope that just said 'MOM' on the outside of it. She said, "Open this, but wait until I go in the other room". So, ok... I kept working on my I-pod and forgot about the envelope for a minute. She came back in the room about 10 minutes later, and asked me if I had opened it yet. Horrible me, I had forgotten about it -- so again, she told me to open it when she went out. I then opened the envelope and there was a barbie invitation, and here is what it said...

Now, you have to realize that Sparkle and Brandy are two of their precious little children. Between Maddie and Taylor, they have about 15 or 20 Webkinz stuffed animals, and these two happen to have birthdays this month. Now, anyone who has children who have Webkinz know that they know each of their names, their birthdays, the things they like and dislike, what they like to eat, etc. etc... Taylor and her friends periodically let their Webkinz spend the night with each other. A few times, Taylor has come home with 3 or 4 new ones, just for the night. And 3 or 4 of her most precious kids has gone to spend the night at one of her friend's houses. Before the exchange, they make sure they have given detailed instructions to each other on how they like to sleep, covers over their heads or not, if they like the lights on, if they have a certain story they like read to them, or a certain bedtime song sung to them.

Considering how well they take care of their Webkinz, it didn't surprise me that they would plan something like this for their special day. I knocked on their door to have Taylor open the door, and there was a banner strung from the door to the wall. They had a little ribbon cutting ceremony before I entered. I walked in the room to find barbie cups on the little table in the corner, with crackers, and Sparkle and Brandy sitting on the table. There were little gifts for Sparkle and Brandy in barbie gift bags neatly lined up on the floor. They had a few little games planned --- and a raffle drawing to win prizes.

I have to say, it was quite cute. I hope my little girls don't grow up to quickly. I want to keep them just as they are!

I wonder who's birthday is next month.... Stay tuned!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

My exciting life...

OK ----- my life is so exciting -----

I just wanted everyone to know.......

that I LOVE Kara the new judge...

Now, we are back on with our obsession for the next few months...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Goodbye 2008 --- Hello 2009...

I have to say I'm not going to miss 2008. But, I'm so looking forward to 2009. So I find it very easy to say 'Goodbye 2008' -----
I am very excited for 2009 for quite a few reasons, which I won't bore you with. Everyone has their personal New Years resolutions, and I am excited for mine. I really have a list of about 100 things, but here are just a few of the things that I WILL do (I won't say 'hope' because I hate that word, what does hope mean anyways? You hope you'll accomplish it, which means you'll 'try' --- I'm not going to just 'try' or 'hope' --- I WILL do these):

* Become a better "ME" --- be a bit more selfish when it comes to making time for myself, treating myself to more things I deserve..
* Not to worry about the little things, let things slide and enjoy everything a little more..
* Connect with old friends, and make time to enjoy those relationships
* Write in my journal
* Have a 'date' night with my husband once a week
* Excercise more --- take more time for myself
* Meditate more, relaxation
* Visit my son Rocky more in Arizona
* Have a blast with my kids--- do fun things..
* Take an incredible trip with my husband..
* Another incredible fun trip with husband & kids...

Sounds like a fun year huh?
Well, that's just a few of the things --- ok, this year is all about ME (is that too selfish?) That's fine, call it being selfish or a midlife crisis, whatever... I don't care. I think it's about dang time --- I deserve it!