Monday, August 18, 2008

Summer is over....

Today was the first day of school for the girls. Actually, just for Taylor. She is in 4th grade, and Madison is starting Kindergarten, but the Kindergarteners are doing their assessment testing this week, so they actually don't start until next week. These kids are growing up so fast. I'm sad about that, but excited for them because they are so excited...

Every year we get pictures of the kids and their friends on the first day of school. Today, being Taylor's first day, I took a picture of her with her friends. This first one is a picture of the 4 musketeers. From L-R there is Taylor, Grace, Maya, and Tiani. They have all been the best of friends since first grade.

And this one is of Taylor and her other good friend, Ashlyn, who lives across the street.

1 comment:

Noriane said...

Cute girls! I think I know a few of them... :) Can you believe they're already in 4th Grade? I wish I could freeze time...