Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Poor Chad.....

Chad must be very wise.....
Right? Isn't that what it means when your wisdom teeth come in? His wisdom teeth appeared at the ripe old age of 17. they say wisdom teeth usually appear between the age of 18-20. He got his braces on about 6 months ago, and the orthodontist wanted a few teeth to move before he had us go have them removed. So we had an appointment made for him to have them removed today, and since he didn't want to be awake for the lovely procedure, we made the appointment with an oral surgeon, because apparently, they are the only ones that can put patients to 'sleep' for the procedure. So here is the picture before and after, so you can see Chad's half smile that shows a bit of worry in his face before ---- and after, well, I think he's just plain annoyed... You did a great job Chad! I love you!



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