Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Madison's first day of kindergarten...

Today was Madison's first day of kindergarten. I had such mixed emotions... First of all, the obvious, she's my baby. I will never again experience this. It means she's growing up, and as I stated in a previous post, I really am trying to do everything I can to freeze time for my kids, but for some reason, it's not working. Even though she's been used to going to preschool and us leaving her, for some reason today she didn't want me to leave her there. She was so excited, but once we got there, she clung to me and didn't want me to leave her. Once I left, she did really well, and can't stop talking about her class now, plus she got to bring cookies to her class because her birthday was yesterday. Here's a few pictures of her, and one of her and her best friend, Emma.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cant believe that she is in school already. She was just a baby when you moved, they grow up to fast!