Sunday, August 17, 2008

My Arizona visit with Rocky....

I made a trip to Arizona for the weekend to visit my son, Rocky. As I'm sure many parents before me have come to this conclusion, this is what I realized.... We spend so much time raising our kids when they are young, and being 'parents' and teaching them what they should do and what they shouldn't do, that we are more 'parents' than 'friends' to our children when they are younger, and that's how it should be. Although Rocky & I have always been really close, when they are adults, you get to form a completely different relationship with your kids. You hope and pray that what you've taught them their whole life they will grasp onto. And they don't always make the right decisions along the way. But knowing what they've been taught, you pray that they always remember what they were taught and grow up to be productive, kind, good individuals in this big, crazy world. Since Rocky moved back to Arizona right after high school, this was a great opportunity for me to really spend time with him and enjoy him. Instead of parenting, I enjoyed him and we had a lot of fun together, great heart to heart talks, and as I've known all along, Rocky is a fabulous, very intelligent and incredible indivdual! I love you Rocky, and want the best for you, and you're in my thoughts and prayers every minute of every day.....

I also got to spend some time with Rocky's girlfriend, Chelsea. I found that she's the cutest, sweetest girl ever, and very good to my son. I appreciate her being there for Rocky and being such a good example to him. Thank you Chelsea!

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