Thursday, February 5, 2009

Feelings of frustration, then thankfulness...

Last month at this time, when I got home from work one evening, I can't even explain the feelings I had. But to give you a little bit of an idea, they were feelings of confusion, loss, betrayal, shock, abandonment, deception, dishonesty, disloyalty, let down, hurt, blind sided, disappointed, surprised----- I could go on and on...

I had worked at my current job for 3 years, and had been a very loyal, trusted, responsible, hard working, employee, and have really felt like my boss depended on me and respected me and my work. Of course, the real estate market has slowed down quite a bit over the past year, and as alot of real estate companies, and other companies in this line of work have had to do recently, we'd had to lay a few staff people off recently, and it had been hard to see. However, my boss had never made me feel like I was in jeopardy of losing my job at all. So on a Monday, right after we got back from the new years holiday, after the day was over and I was getting ready to leave, he walked into my office and told me he had to do a few more cutbacks, and unfortunately this time it involved my position. He said it was purely financial because, me being the Operations Manager, he could eliminate my income, and split all my duties between two people that made less. I could tell when he was in my office how hard it was for him to do this, but I still felt completely blindsided... To think that even when people asked me over the past year about my job, and I would say that I could never leave there because I love my job so much, and I could never do that to my boss... haha! So on this day, I felt the loyalty only went one way.

Fast forward to today --- I have alot more comfort and calmness. First of all, I know that everything happens for a reason, and I am in the best place now.. Able to spend more time with my children and husband at home, have more time to work on myself, have more time to get things done at home, and still able to do some work from home. I believe now more than ever, that things don't just 'happen', It all works out how it's supposed to and with a purpose.



Carlye said...

Wow. That's crazy. I am glad you have such a positive outlook! Are you looking for another job or are you going to stay home for a while?

Keely said...

Between all the trauma at our house with Ziff...I somehow missed this post you did.

I am so glad to hear that you are doing well after the lay-off. I know you were blind-sided, and had felt betrayed. But I'm happy to hear that you are enjoying your time with your family, and it sounds like you guys have been having a great time! I am SOOO happy for you. You are such a sweet, wonderful person and were a fabulous boss too.

Robyn Parker said...

I'm so sorry to hear what happened to you. I can't imagine that happening and it seemed so sudden to. But like Keely said I'm so happy you have a positive out look on it all and that is what made you a good boss and friend. If you ever needed another job i doubt you would have any trouble. What is your new email address?