Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Rocky!


I CAN'T believe my firstborn child is turning 21 years old today! First of all it is hard to believe I'm old enough to have a child that is 21 years old, but mostly it's just crazy how fast time has flown by -- it seems like just yesterday I was holding him in my arms rocking him to sleep.

I want you to know Rocky, that I love you so much. You have always been the sweetest, kindest, smartest individual, and I miss you not living close to me. But I know you've grown alot the past few years, and learned alot. I am proud of the man you have grown into! WE LOVE YOU!

Birth - Jan 28, 1988

11 weeks old

2 years old

2-1/2 years old

3-1/2 years old

9 years old

Rocky with his great grandma
9 years old

13 years old

18 years old

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