Saturday, January 3, 2009

Goodbye 2008 --- Hello 2009...

I have to say I'm not going to miss 2008. But, I'm so looking forward to 2009. So I find it very easy to say 'Goodbye 2008' -----
I am very excited for 2009 for quite a few reasons, which I won't bore you with. Everyone has their personal New Years resolutions, and I am excited for mine. I really have a list of about 100 things, but here are just a few of the things that I WILL do (I won't say 'hope' because I hate that word, what does hope mean anyways? You hope you'll accomplish it, which means you'll 'try' --- I'm not going to just 'try' or 'hope' --- I WILL do these):

* Become a better "ME" --- be a bit more selfish when it comes to making time for myself, treating myself to more things I deserve..
* Not to worry about the little things, let things slide and enjoy everything a little more..
* Connect with old friends, and make time to enjoy those relationships
* Write in my journal
* Have a 'date' night with my husband once a week
* Excercise more --- take more time for myself
* Meditate more, relaxation
* Visit my son Rocky more in Arizona
* Have a blast with my kids--- do fun things..
* Take an incredible trip with my husband..
* Another incredible fun trip with husband & kids...

Sounds like a fun year huh?
Well, that's just a few of the things --- ok, this year is all about ME (is that too selfish?) That's fine, call it being selfish or a midlife crisis, whatever... I don't care. I think it's about dang time --- I deserve it!