Monday, December 22, 2008

Early Christmas...

Since we were scheduled to fly to Sacramento for Christmas this year, we had our Christmas at home a few days early. I was really sad Rocky couldn't fly home this year. This was the first year I've not spent Christmas with him. :( We missed him so much. The kids were excited that Santa came a bit early to our house this year, and that they would be having two Christmas celebrations! I was able to snap just a few 'sleepy eyed' shots of them with their favorite gifts.

Chad with his wireless headset for his computer games and ipod. He was a happy camper as long as he got those and I-Pod and Best Buy gift cards.

Taylor with her new I-pod and the camera she's been wanting

Maddie with her Biscuit (a lifesized mechanical puppy that obeys commands) and a DS game

Madison already had this keyboard, but I had to snap this shot of her because I thought it was adorable. I walked in the room to see that she had changed into an old Halloween costume, a leopard tight fitted leotard, with her leopard print mittens, and some earphones on, playing the keyboard. She made us laugh so hard when we saw this sight.

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