Friday, September 12, 2008

Flashback Friday...

Originally when I started my blog, I had this great idea to post a blog on Fridays called "Flashback Friday" to add something a bit interesting. I think I did it twice, then I started slacking on my great idea. I decided to start it up again. So I am flashing back today to 1995.

Russ and I had been dating about 8 months, and one weekend we took a trip to the Biospere with a few friends. This place is just north of Tucson, and it was a research center in an enclosed environment where they studied the interraction of plants, animals and humans. 8 men and woman locked themselves inside for 2 years without relying on anything from the outside. I'm not sure if they lasted for the whole two years, or what the outcome of the study was, but apparently it was interesting enough to the public that they conducted tours, which as you can see from the pictures below, we must have been some of those that thought it sounded like fun to see. Also, as you can see from the pictures, well, lets just say, I have no clue what we were thinking when we dressed that day, apparently not fashion!

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