Sunday, March 29, 2009

you've got to be kidding me...

Dear Winter,
I definitely need to express how I'm feeling right now....
There is a time and a place for you... I looked at my calender the other day, and it said it was spring, so I don't want to hurt your feelings, but will you please go away, I think we've all had enough of you. Spring keeps trying to pop his head out, but he seems to be pretty shy. So will you please not be so overbearing, and take your leave? We definitely will be looking forward to seeing you again next year, but we really want to play outside, barbeque, go on bike rides and swim. We do think you're beautiful, but we can wait until the appropriate time to see you again in 7 or 8 more months. Thank you!


Keely said...

I soooo agree with you....there is a time and place for winter...and it's NOT NOW!!
BTW...Chad looks totally handsome in his tux!

Brian and Stephanie Wood said...

I know... Shouldn't it be spring already. I don't mind rain, but I am so done with the snow.